The most hair-raising experience of the day has to be when my PIC and driver for the day drove down a 'one way' bit the wrong way. Still, we made it there in one bit and to be fair the road junction was rather confusing.
Wandered around the ruins, Peg the urbex-dog had a whale of a time trying to entice big dogs to have a go if they thought they were hard enough. She's only a little Patterdale but she's very hard.
off for safety reasons so the pics I took came out shit.
Whilst we are having a look at the Sphinx's, Peg decides she has had enough of it all and throws herself from a plinth onto the harsh concrete steps. The 'clang' noise a s she hit the concrete was horrible, but she is hard as nail and lived to tell the tale.
I wonder where this tunnel once lead? Nearby we find a graveyard of old odds and sods from the park like old litter bins, posts, signs, benches etc.
Decide to go in search of the illusive Pterodactyls that we both remember being in the trees when we went there as kids. My cousin is also certain that when we were kids you could climb on or touch the dinosaurs. I must say I don't remember the lake being their either but the only place i recall climbing on dinosaurs in was Chessington Zoo [before it became a theme park].
And what do we discover sunning themselves on the dinos? Not ducklings this time but terrapins, millions of the bastards!! What a fabulous find. Also came accross two swans and their signet which they were fiercly protective of. Daddy swan came over and hissed 'no photos', at least he didn't confiscate my camera. And witnessed a proper bitch slap using feet between two Coots all in the name of love over the female. Was half expecting her to pipe up 'leave it Baz, he ain't worth it'.
Anyways enjoy the pics.
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