I discover Reigate Castle, having never been there and not knowing what could be there other than a castle ruins I made a picnic and off we went. Girls Aloud on the car stereo once again (it's a fave of the kids, honest!!)
We arrive at Reigate and I drive round the one way system twice before pulling over and asking someone 'where is the castle'. The yokels laughed and pointed beyond the high street to the centre of the one way system where the castle is hidden. Expecting a gem of a find I park up in the town hall car park and spend about 4 hours trying to get the sodding money machine to take my money for a window sticker while the kids roast in the car on gas mark 8. A kind soul eventually explained, after I have half the population of Reigate queuing behind me that you need to enter the numbers from your reg plate. A tip that I passed on to other irate drivers when we returned to the car.
We arrive to find this
which i find interesting to say the least although I haven't a clue what they are (later discover they are dragons-teeth anti tank blocks)
So I assume the only way up is via this path through the blocks and have to drag the buggy up the path, it swang to and fro and Boris was screaming at his first white knuckle ride. And who can blame him. At one point I got stuck and really could have done with a hand but Mrs Newspaper sat on a bench at the almost top ignored my struggles and kids squeals. If she were me I would have leant a hand, maybe im too nice.
Once I finally make it to the precipice I look down to discover there was a perfectly good footpath that would have taken me here. Oh well, good exercise and a lesson in how to shit yourself for Boris.
We turn the corner to walk up a further hill, using the sensible footpath this time and encounter to dibble lazing on a bench. As soon as they saw us they sprang to their feet and the male dibble wheeled the buggy to the top of the hill for me. Probably as a silent apology for being a donut eating lazy fucker. It was appreciated though, especially by Boris who decided to chuck his snadwich on the floor which I had to pick up incase they did me for littering.
Finally at the Castle and this is what is there
That, is the Castle. Literally an archway. This was further on
and that was it. Whilst an interesting find for about 5 minutes it didn't exactly float any boats so we make our way back down.
As we were walkin g to the path going down I spot a bloke the wrong side of the fence at the top hiding in the undergrowth watching people. I assumed he was with a group of teens who were up there sat nearby.
As we came down 'a level' he was stood infront of us as we came through the arch
(English version on the link at the end)
and then walked past and immediately turned and started following us. My oddball radar was going off the scale so I abandoned any other possible walks and we took the nearest rout possible out of there. He was probably just an innocent person out for a walk but his behaviour rang alarms for me and better to be safe than sorry.
Sadly had to miss out on a tour of the caves that run underneath the hill that the Castle stands on (or its sorry remains) due to Boris in his buggy but we did see some Morris Dancers which is just so sad there are no words to decsirbe it.
From where we watched the Morris Dancers there was scratched in 'grafitti' if that's the word. I wonder though how old some of this is or wether some of it is scratched to look old, if you get what I mean.
So off to the car we go and when we get there we spot this weird bug on the car door.
Extensive Googling later tells me it is Ladybird larve. Wow! Seriously, as I would have never guess Ladybird had a larve let alone it looked like a mascara wand.
As we are driving back up Reigate Hill I remember the Fort up there as encountered by Godzilla on Derelict Places. It's worth a look while we are here. The view when we park up is absolutely stunning, I wish i brought the worm with me (child saftely wrist strap) because Chops looks like she is considering running down the very steep hill we are atop.
Walking over the bridge that runs over the A217 Reigate Hill makes me a bit uneasy, obviously the older i've got the more I discover I am not too keen on heights. Or bridges. Or both.
We walk and walk and walk, I enquire with someone if we are heading the right way, we are, 'it's not far now', liars!! Mind you i'm completely knackered anyway which don't help and little legs aren't made for such a ramble.
I can't say the Fort is the most exciting thing on earth but we found it and saw it and returned to tell the tale.
There was an abundance of dog walkers up there and kids with their parents playing frisbee and whatnot.
We had a look round then made our way back to the car. Came accross the old East Surrey Water thingumy nearby which there are photos of in the link at the end as well as the transmitters on the hill.
Then we came accross a group of knit-your-own-tofu types walking with their kids, all posh and Laura Ashley. One of the kids eyes were closed and swollen to almost slits and his mum was saying to him 'oh your hayfeever's such a shame'. WTF???? If it's that bad why the fuck take him out in the fucking wilderness full of grass and pollen and trees and other shit????
On our way back we spotted some sheep in a field alongside some wild rabbit.
I'm full of sympathy me....
(all the pics http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v89/AnthillMob/Reigate/ )
5th April 2003